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Program Requirements


  1. Please complete the referral WITH your client to ensure that it is done correctly and will not be rejected. 

  2. ONLY the referring caseworker can fill out the referral form, but always in the presence of the client. The client MUST SIGN the Waiver (box #5) and Affidavit of Income (box #6) portions. 

  3. A client may receive services from Baby’s Bounty only ONCE; we assist infants through six months of age. The day the baby turns seven months they are no longer eligible to receive services.

  4. When referring a pregnant client, she must be within 45 days of delivery.

  5. A referring agency may only have FOUR approved referrals per program, per month.

  6. In the Affidavit of Income (box #6) section, a household is defined as: all related and unrelated persons living together in one housing unit. Roomers and boarders of any age, and related individuals -- 18 years of age or older -- who pay rent for rooming or boarding privileges -- will not be considered members of the household but are considered “separate households”. When the number of persons in a household cannot be identified, the household size will be determined by counting the person(s) listed as members of the household on income tax returns for the last taxable year.

  7. Due to grant funding requirements, the Waiver (box #5) and Affidavit of Income (box #6) sections MUST BE FILLED OUT ENTIRELY AND SIGNED or the referral will automatically be rejected. If the client is living in a shelter or sober-living facility and has no income, please note that on the referral. 

  8. We adhere to 130% of the 2020 U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines. This will help the caseworker determine a client’s eligibility.

  9. A copy of a completed referral -- signed by both the client and the caseworker -- must be submitted before any services will be provided. If your client is the Legal Guardian of the baby, a copy of the court documents MUST be included with the referral. 

  10. Typical response time after submission is 48 business hours. If more than a week passes (from date of submission) with no reply from Baby’s Bounty, call us at 702.485.2229. Occasionally -- though rarely -- faxes/emails do not come through properly. 

  11. Demographic information such as marital status and racial heritage are requested for statistical purposes only. They do not impact eligibility. 

  12. The language spoken is requested as we include written information with each bundle. Currently, we only distribute information in English and Spanish.

  13. Providing the gender and current weight and diaper size of the baby is necessary so the family may be provided with items that will be useful now and into the future. 

  14. If you have any questions about the form, contact the Director of Operations, Tiffany Dirig, at or call 702.485.2229 (office) or 702.605.5707 (cell). 

Referral Requirements


  1. For the most rapid response, caseworkers are encouraged to submit the referral form via email to If emailing the form is not possible, it can be faxed to 702.476.2227.

  2. Baby’s Bounty will contact the referring caseworker upon receipt (please allow at least 48 hours.) We will make three attempts to reach the caseworker before canceling the referral.

  3. As of January 2, 2018, the Safe Sleep & Baby Basics (SSBB) class is MANDATORY for clients to receive assistance. Classes are offered every Tuesday, from 10:30am to 12:45pm OR Wednesday, from 1:30pm to 3:45pm at our office (3400 W. Desert Inn Rd., #24, Las Vegas, NV 89102). Please inform your clients that, except for newborns, no children under 10 are permitted. If your client arrives with small children (other than the newborn,) they will be forced to reschedule. 

  4. DO NOT send your client to a class until one has been scheduled with you.

  5. We strongly encourage family members and/or childcare providers to attend the class with the parent(s). When scheduling, please provide the names of anyone else planning to attend.

  6. If the client does not rely on the bus for transportation, their FULL BUNDLE will be released to them following the SSBB class. For those clients who take the bus, the referring caseworker must schedule a time to pick-up the Baby Bundle.

  7. Caseworker pickups are scheduled BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Monday through Thursday, between 9:30am and 3:30pm at our office (3400 W Desert Inn Rd., #24, Las Vegas, NV 89102.) If the items are not picked up within one week of the scheduled date, they will be re-shelved and the caseworker will be required to submit a new referral request.

Income Eligibility Requirement

130% of 2020 Federal Poverty Guideline

** For households with more than either people, add $5,824/person. **

Household Size










Max Annual Income










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